mother nature art show | via bekuh b.

Have I mentioned that I was part of an art show recently? Yeah? Maybe six or seven time. Well today you finally get to see what I've been up to! I was honored to be included among some truly amazing artists at the URBN 543 Gallery. The focus of the show was mother nature and our many interpretations on that theme. For my part I chose to focus on, what else, but flower arrangements.

I relied heavily on my love of Dutch Master Paintings and post-impression era painters like Cezanne and Renoir for inspiration on composition, technique and subject matter. You can read a little more about my inspiration here.

mother nature art show | via bekuh b.
mother nature art show | via bekuh b.
mother nature art show | via bekuh b.

In all I completed 5 pieces ranging in scale, from the petite 9x12 to the more expansive 18 x 24. Each work consists of multiple original paintings disassembled and reassembled into an entirely new composition. The act of assembling and disassembling multiple works freed me to to create imaginary floral designs and still life settings with a 3D, almost relief sculpture, finished feel. I was in essence creating my own vision of realty with each work. 

It's been almost 4 years since I last fully realized a body of work with one consistent theme and focus. It was a lot of handwork but I'm proud of the finished product, and it was thrilling to see my work in a gallery for the first time since college. I hope it won't be the last. - b.